2.3: Tara McEntee, Susan Williams, and Ryan Knighton (NZIF 2021)
Tara McEntee and Susan Williams from TE WHANGANUI A TARA (WELLINGTON), and Ryan Knighton from TE PAPAIOEA (PALMERSTON NORTH)
Kia ora and welcome to the NZ Improv Festival Audio Archive - bringing you live recordings and conversations from New Zealand’s annual celebration of spontaneous theatre.
This season we bring you our Conversation Series - in each episode, a trio of improvisors come together to talk about what lights them up, what challenges them, and what keeps them excited about the future of improv.
Featuring: Tara McEntee and Susan Williams from Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington), and Ryan Knighton from Te Papaioea (Palmerston North)
Recorded in front of a live audience at BATS Theatre in October 2021.
This episode was produced and edited by Aaron Douglas and made possible thanks to the New Zealand Improvisation Trust and Creative NZ.
NZ Improv Festival 2021 ran 4-16 October 2021 at Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington’s BATS Theatre.
Learn more about it at improvfest.nz or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.